Price Kent, Seaman 1st Class
6, 1944
Mrs. Oma Kent
1, Leighton, Alabama
Price Kent, Seaman 1st Class
Post Office, New York City, N.Y.
thought I would write you all a few lines to let you hear from me,
let you all know I am well and hope you all are well. You all not
worry about me. Say I got a bunch of letters from you. I got one
letter from Burnice (his brother). Maybe it won't be so long til I
will be back. Say, did you get that two dollar bill that I sent you?
Say, if little Price Kent am growing? He soon be big as I am won't
he. Well, I like all right so far. I hope it won't be so long til the
war is over. Say, tell the baby's I would like to see them. Say you
should get a bond this month. You write and tell me when you get it.
Say, I got your telegram you sent me. I will close this time with
lots of love. I will write as often as I can answer soon. Price with
lots of love, so long.
29, 1945
Wife and Kids,
are you both, just fine I hope. I'm well and hope you all are. I sure
wold like to see you all but I don't know when that will be. I guess
by now you have received the money I sent you. One of the places we
have been is Siapan. I made a few liberty's there. So you see I'm
pretty far away from home. I almost forgot I received your letter
dated April 15 and sure was glad to hear from you. Please write and
let me know what the kids buy with the money I sent them. I'd love to
write more but I don't know what to say. May God bless you all. Love
1, 1945
I will answer your letter which I got yesterday. I sure was glad to
hear from you and the children and I am glad to know that you and the
children are well as this leaves me well. Say darling I got a letter
from Alzonia (his sister) yesterday and she was well. Say the
children must having good luck with their chickens. Say they ought go
into the chicken business. Say darling Burnice (his brother serving
in the Pacific also) and I are also clse together and can't get to
see each other. I sure would like to see him. Well, darling, it sure
is hot here. How are the weather at home, fine I hope. Say darling,
you got Jess (her brother) to see what Sherman would take for that
house when I come home I might want to buy it if he not to high.
Well, darling, I don't know much to write I will close for now.
Answer soon with a long lovely letter. From your husband Price with
lots love wife and children. XXXXXXXXXX
26, 1945, Thursday
night I will try and answer your letters which I received a few days
ago. I sure was glad to hear from you all and to know that you and
the children are well as this leaves me well. Well, we had a long
busy day fueling to day. Say, darling, tell Martha (his daughter) and
Laverne (his daughter) to be good and I hope Martha likes school and
learns fast. Say, darling, tell the children when I come home I will
fix them a place and they can raise chickens. Darling, I sure was
sorry about Dean getting killed. Say, darling, don't put too much
money in bonds, keep plenty for using. Price Kent, Seaman First
10, 1945, Monday
night I will answer your letters which I receive yesterday. You don't
know how glad I was to hear from you and the children and to know
that you all are well as this leaves me well and getting along fine.
Well, darling, I am hoping I will be in the states by Christmas, but
I am not sure most of the men thinks we will. Well, they are having
beer party, maybe I get to go tomorrow, there are lots of soldiers
and sailors and lots of coconuts. Say darling, how much money do you
have in the bank. Say, is those bonds you got yours and mine. Say,
how many have you from me? Say, darling, I have two hundred and
thrity dollars on the books. Say, if I have enough money when I come
home we will try to put up a little store. Say, darling, I got
sixteen letters in all and thirteen of them are from you. Say, I
guess it will be about the first of the year before I get out of
service. Say, darling, tell the children I sure would like to se
them. Say, when you don't hear from me for awhile don't worry for
when we go out to sea I can't mail any letters I will write as often
as I can. Say, you said Bama (her sister) didn't look like herself,
why doesn't she? Well, I don't know anything to write, I will close.
I write again before we go out to sea. So answer soon with a long
lovely letter and all the news. Price Kent, Seaman, First Class. Love
to all wife and children good night. I hope it isn't too long til I
can see you all with lots hugs and kisses, so long.
12, 1945, Wednesday
day I will try and write you a few lines to let you know that I am
well and hope these few lines find you all the same. I thought I
would answer your letter which I received a few days ago. Well, I
sure would like to see you all but I guess it will be a while yet.
Maybe it won't be later than Christmas. Say, we are celebrating a two
day today. Say, I am making the children a locket a piece today. I
didn't have anything else to do. Say, I guess lots of the boys are in
the states are getting discharges. If I were in the states I probably
get a discharge and I think I seen enough of the world. About all
grows over here is coconuts. Well, I am going to tell some of the
places I been if I haven't told you. I spent one hour in Marshall
Islands and then to Alithi (?) and this is our home base and we went
to Saipan and to the Phillipines and Leyte and out off Iwo Jima and
Okinawa in a operation and was in a operation off Tokyo and maybe I
will get to go to Japan in a feew days, but I am not sure. We are
going out to sea in a few days. I am at Alithi (?) now. That where we
will leave out from. Well, their ain't much out here to write nor to
do only go to movie every night so I will close for now. Answer soon
with a long lovely letter and all the news. Price Kent, Seaman First
Class. Love to all, so long.
14, 1945, Friday
night I will write you all a few lines to let you and the children
know that I am well and I hope these few lines finds you and the
children in the best of health. Darling, it has been raining here
about all day and it rains about every night. Say, darling, I have
you and the children a neckless about made. Say, do you want me to
send them home or wait til I come home and bring them. Well, I like
about three points having enough to get out. Maybe I can get them
before so long and I could be home by Christmas. Well, we are still
here at alithi (?) and we might go out to sea anytime, so if you
don't hear from me very often I am out to sea and can't mail a
letter, nor can't get one til we get in port. Say, darling, tell
Roman I would fast. Say, I guess I will get to go to Tokyo this time
I hope so and I hate to stay out here this long and then not get to
see Tokyo. Well, darling, I don't know anything else to write it so
easy to run out of anything to write out here. So I guess I better
close for now. I sure would like to see you and the children maybe it
want be long til I will get to come home to stay. Anyway, I hope so
answer soon with a long lovely letter and all the news, Price Kent,
Seaman First Class, love to all. Wife and children good night with
lots of kisses. XXXXXXXXX