Christy S. Coleman (the all knowing obviously)
I recently agreed to a debate with Christy Coleman, even against her and her minions, by myself. Who won, well, I'll let you decide. Christy chose to debate me in private and left her minions out of the parts that didn't suit her agenda. Therefore, it was all Christy and her minions in public, but was it all Christy during the debate? I'll let you be the judge. According to Christy and her minions, she is the foremost expert on the American Civil War and it is all about the most "Holy" north versus the "Evil" South. Before debating Christy, I had no idea that the "holy" north only agreed to have slaves prior to the American Revolution as a means to appease the South (that's right, holy northern states embraced slavery as a means to kiss a Southerners ass according to Christy, this one truly cracks me up). You heard me right, her most "holy" north hated slavery, but accepted it to appease the Southern states, and according to her minions, she is the genius on that time period. All bow to the great Christy Coleman, the expert (in her own mind) on slavery all the way back to father Abraham, Useless Grant or anybody else who owned slaves. It's all the South's fault, right Christy?
Hey, you Christy followers, you need to line up and drink her Kool-Aid, don't ask what's in it, you don't have the intelligence to understand what she is serving, just drink it, you idiots. Don't worry, Christy has BLM and the NAACP on her side, who cares about the truth when it comes to our nations history. She has the Federal government giving her and her self-righteous group 10 million dollars a year, how much do the rest of us get from the government. Oh, that is right, we just pay in, Christy just withdraws, welcome to the idiocracy of 2020. Pay these idiots to do the thinking, let the government take all your money and give to these idiots so they can get a vote. Oh, Christy told me that we agreed on most points except the war was only about slavery. The Federal government loved the African race and believed in what the constitution preached so much, that they went and wiped out the American Indians just ten years after freeing the Africans and declaring all men are equal. In this "shit-poor" country, all men are created equal as long as you have enough of your race to count in an election. Welcome to the world of Christy Coleman and her ignorant minions.