Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Man Responsible For Racism in America


Edward V. Valentine

       I've been doing quite a bit of research to learn who is most responsible for the trouble that has been caused in this country in the past few years. The man responsible was one I knew very little about. All it takes is serious research to uncover the truth and I have accomplished that.
       I learned that the man most responsible was a man born in Richmond, Virginia in 1838. His name was Edward Virginius Valentine. He was old enough to fight in the war, but missed the entire conflict because he spent the war years studying sculpting in Europe. There isn't a lot of information out there on Edward Valentine, but trust me, the man is to blame for all American racism. If you don't believe me, just ask Washington Post Reporter Gregory Schneider. 
       According to Schneider, Valentine's monuments brought "racist mythology to life." Basically, Schneider goes on to explain how those monuments were the main reason that George Floyd was killed by white Minnesota police officers. I'm not sure those cops had ever seen a Confederate monument in their life, but it's easier for the extreme leftists to blame inanimate objects for their problems than real life people. 

One of the dangerous monuments that caused George Floyd's death

       I've been to several of Edward Valentine's monuments myself and yet to have killed anyone or felt any reason to be racist, but I have an IQ above my shoe size unlike most people today. I can see why anyone without much intelligence could feel threatened by a statue today. I also love the way those with a low IQ attempt to teach the rest of us that we are the ones that are wrong. 
       One of my favorite arguments is where they tell me these monuments didn't appear until Jim Crow laws started coming into affect. Do these people do any real research before making such statements? Why were there no monuments to Confederate heroes erected right after the war? Could it have been because it was illegal to raise such monuments? It was even illegal to wear a Confederate uniform in public after the war. It wasn't because Confederate's felt guilty or like they had done anything wrong I can assure you. After all, they were just doing what we celebrate every July 4th and that was the right to secede from an overbearing government. 
       I have a few questions these genius people need to answer for me. Since they are so set on the war being over slavery, surely they have the answers I need. When the slave trade was open and the Northern states were making quite a bit of money off selling slaves to the South, why were there no large groups of abolitionists? When it no longer made them money, then they became concerned about the morality of the institution. This also goes for England. Great Britain made tons of money off the slave trade, yet by the time of the war, they had become concerned with the morality of slavery (they weren't making money off it anymore). Do you see how things have always worked in the world? Just follow the money and the answer will lie there. 
       I pray to God that he will forgive Edward Valentine for creating such monstrous statues that caused so many innocent deaths. If only he had known how dumb we would become. 

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